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Erica Carrico
Discover the "1-2-1 Method" That Purpose Driven Women Use to Build 6-Figure Businesses In Just A Few Months (Or Less!)
... so you can get a never ending stream of clients in the next 90 days and quit your 9-5 once and for all.
Calling all coaches, health & wellness practitioners, healers, and therapists...
Discover the Proven Process That Purpose Driven Women Use to Add Six-Figures To Their Business In Just A Few Months (Or Less!)
... so you can get a never ending stream of clients in the next 90 days and quit your 9-5 once and for all.



Hey Sister.

It’s Erica Carrico here.

And I’ve got exciting news for you. 

You know that job you feel “trapped” in? 

The one that makes you feel completely miserable every day? 

The one that makes you wish that there was a way - ANY WAY - to finally live out your true purpose and make piles of cash at the same time? 



Because today, I’m going to show you the exact method thousands of powerful women (just like you) use to grow their business to SIX-FIGURES or add SIX-FIGURES to their bottom line and free themselves from their 9-5 ball and chain. 

Do this properly and you too can have $10K - $15K months lightning fast…

And have a soul-aligned business that fulfills your true purpose in life ...

Sometimes in as soon as 3 months.

And look - I know that sounds unbelievable. 

And if I hadn’t worked with countless ladies myself who did that, I’d say it was ridiculous!

I’ll tell you their stories in just a moment.

But first, I just want to encourage you and let you know that you’re in the right place and let you know that this is for you.


  • This is for you if you want to feel accomplished and make a difference in the world.
  • ​This is for you if you want to have true freedom to do what you love.
  • ​This is for you if you want to add six-figures to your business around your values
  • ​And this is for you if you want to lift other women up and give them the life of their dreams... and make incredible money doing so!

If Any Of Those Statements Sound Like You, I Have Good News.

I can help you get rid of the hidden “money barriers” in your life and unlock true prosperity and freedom. 

It’s easier than ever to start a highly successful business when you have the right mindset and model. 

And today, for our lowest price ever, I’m going to hand you the #1 business model on the planet. 

Ariel tripled the number 
of clients she had!

Maharati launched and SOLD OUT her group program!

Jasmine hit $100K 
in her biz!!!

You’re going to discover how to finally step away from “ball and chain” 9-5 and build wealth, independence, and freedom.

In weeks - not months! 

Because here’s the truth. 

You’re just a few simple shifts away from everything you’ve always wanted …

And I’m here to tell you that you can have it.

And NO ONE has the right to deny you from it. 

And thousands of women before you have gone through this journey and come out the other side triumphantly! 

Honestly, most women over complicate running a business because they’re missing this MASSIVE secret

And it’s NOT their fault. 

We live in a culture that biases hard work over “smart work.”

And while we do have to be diligent about our work, the honest truth is we tend to try to do WAY too many things. 

And those things hurt us because they leave us exhausted, burnt out, and penniless. 

If you’ve ever gone heavy on social media marketing (or blogging) you know exactly what I’m talking about. 

You can write a home run emotionally hard hitting post that bares your soul and ought to win an award for storytelling. 

And it gets you nowhere.

If you’re lucky, you’ll get two likes and one comment. 
But it doesn’t get you closer to making sales. 

Actually … it pulls you backwards because that time could have been spent on better activities that DO bring in sales. 

That one hour of work could have been spent producing better emails or doing strategy sessions. 

It’s really not your fault. 

You just don’t know any better. 

You need someone to come alongside you and hand you the winning blueprint to success. 

Once that happens you can have everything you want. 

Maybe that’s ...
  • A life of abundance and prosperity where nothing holds you down. No bosses. No jobs. Just you and your true purpose making a difference in the world. 
  • ​More “alone” time where you can “get in the zone” and BUILD the business of your dreams
  • ​More time with your husband and children (they need and deserve your attention!)
  • ​Satisfaction that you’re helping other women … AND providing for your family at the same time
  • ​A 6-Figure business that requires little of your personal time and energy

  • ​Aligning with your REAL purpose in life … and only doing work that gets you closer to your goals
The cool thing about this proven process is that it forces you to only do the activities that bring you closer to your specific goals. 

Just follow the very simple framework, and you’ll start to see incredible results. 

How did I discover this 
Proven Process? Well ...

Eight years ago I worked a corporate job. 

One that sucked the soul right out of my body and valued how fast I could get tasks done … 

But didn’t value me

And I knew deep in my heart that this wasn’t where I belonged. 

I was living a lie. 

I told myself that “this is me! This is who I am!”

But my heart kept whispering back “Don’t you dare accept this … you’re made for so much more.
On the outside, you would think that I was just another worker. 

Perfectly content. 

But deep inside was the raging war between what I felt like I had to do …

And what my heart craved. 

It wanted to run wild and light a path for women all over the world. 

I felt insane for not loving my life. 

At the time, I was living in Australia. 

I worked for a top international recruitment agency entertaining clients in 5-star restaurants.

And sure, I made great money...

But here’s the thing - I wasn’t just unhappy – I WAS MISERABLE.

I was so stressed out and sobbing into my pillow every Sunday night because I knew Monday was coming. 


Because… I was not living my purpose. 

I was not living my truth, and I knew it.

 There was no greater meaning behind my career. 

It was a paycheck and a way to waste my hours every day. 

Nothing more. 

What was I supposed to do though? 

I was in my 30’s. 

How on earth could I start over in something new especially when I had worked so hard to get to where I was?

And then I remember telling my husband one night “my career is literally destroying my soul.”


Something had to change. 

I deserved better. 

I decided my life meant more to me
and I wasn’t going to settle any longer.

That’s when I got serious about building MY soul-aligned business and discovered this proven process

Within 3 years of launching my coaching business, I won International Coach of the Year 2020.

Incredible how far you can go in a short period of time, right?

That’s HEAVILY due to doing MY purpose-driven and soul-aligned work.

There’s NO way I could have gotten these kinds of results if I was working for a soul-sucking corporation and building someone else’s vision instead.

I’ve also been featured in over 50 media publications…

Invited to speak internationally …

And I have generated over a million dollars in sales.
I more than doubled my salary just in the first year alone!
And I left my 8-6 as a non-profit executive.

Turning in my resignation and knowing I was stepping into ultimate freedom was the most incredible feeling ever!

I quickly climbed to consistent $6k months where I stayed for about a year.

By leveraging this proven process, I scaled to $11k months.

Then to $30k months.

And now my business earns consistent $100,000 MONTHS.

That’s how powerful this model is when you combine marketing strategies with YOUR purpose and mission.

But you’re probably thinking...

“Erica, what IS the proven process model?”

Great question.

It’s a business model where you have ONE super strong offer for ONE niche. 

You need to find a lucrative, hot, growing market. 

And make them an exceptionally good offer that sells them a TRANSFORMATION! 

Remember - we’re never ever just selling them a “program.”

We’re selling clients a way to transform into exactly who they need to be in order to reach their dreams. 

Here’s an example: Let’s say you help entrepreneurs release their limiting beliefs and get clear on what they really want out of life (and business). 

And you build a dedicated program that’s between $5K - $10K to help them. 

In all your marketing, focus on how your target market will go from their current situation to their desired situation

And you’ll be on the FAST track to creating winning offers. 

Now that you have A good niche and offer, you need to promote it!

The BEST way to sell these kinds of offers are through live workshops. 

And in this model, you do two LIVE workshops a month. 

And all of your marketing efforts are focused on that. 

In these workshops you push people to schedule a free strategy session where you can diagnose if they are a good fit to work with you. 

And if they ARE a good fit then we sell them on our program. 


Because they’ve already been indoctrinated through our workshops.

And they crave the transformation you offer.

So it’s super simple to get them to say “yes!” to your signature program

Once you discover this powerful secret I’m going to share, It’s game over

And you can attract high value, soul-aligned clients (that pay up to $10K) at will!

If you’ve ever posted on social media and it went nowhere …

Or you boosted a post and it just wasted money …

There’s a reason why. 

See, every great promotion in history taps into this marketing secret. 

We call it The Power Of One!

It has an intense focus on one main “objective” …

And 99% of the time it’s not “hire me.”

It’s “learn how I can give you your dream life.”

And instead of pushing someone who has NEVER heard of you to a schedule page where they can choose a time to speak …

We get them to sign up for a live workshop where we can build a relationship with them.

In our time with them we paint a beautiful, vivid picture of what life will be like once we give them that transformation. 

In other words …

We put all the marketing focus on getting workshop attendees. 

And in the workshop, we get them to strategically sell themselves! (Don’t worry - I have a tried and proven formula that makes this happen like clockwork.)

Wouldn’t that be amazing? 

What if we could get ladies to raise their hands, demand to buy our programs, and plead with us to accept their money? 

That’s the power of “workshop marketing.”

We “flip the script” on them … and get them to sell themselves and become hands-down the easiest sales on the planet. 

Do this right, and you’ll feel like a superstar in front of a crowd of raving fans. 

All these fans have massive piles of cash that they can’t wait to throw at you. 

They’ll drink in every word you say …

And you’ll have a MASSIVE pay day waiting for you.

PLUS this amazing Black Friday Bonus!

 Akashic Record Reading to get a Soul perspective on how you best create abundance for yourself in this lifetime. 

And now that you’ve mastered the first two parts of the Proven Process,

there’s one final part of the puzzle...

Now you’ve got the first two parts down, the absolute last piece …

The final piece is doing one major speaking event each month. 

Now, this is powerful …

Because speaking to one new audience every month gives you MOUNTAINS of content that you can repurpose in social media (or your email list). 

And you’ll be astounded at how fast your following grows organically!

Just imagine speaking to thousands of women monthly and inspiring them with your story!

You could be the bridge between them feeling “stuck” in their lives …

And saying “no more! I am the captain of my own destiny.”

We all have the power to be light in the darkness. 

And the brighter you shine, the higher earning potential you have. 

So go ahead!

I give you complete permission to shine as brightly as possible. 

It’s the best way to attract your tribe. 

And that’s one of the absolute BEST things about the Proven Process.

It’s the BEST sustainable business model on the marketplace today

You’re going to feel the difference right away. 

Suddenly, all of your marketing efforts will feel sharp and focused. 

Your posts turn into pure lead generation magic. 

Your emails effortlessly book hundreds of people ready to spend their hard earned cash with you. 

And your live workshops make you feel like a superstar walking on stage to an adoring crowd. 

All of the sudden, this whole business thing will “click” for you and you’ll bust through record months left and right. 

That’s what happened for Aurika as she rapidly scaled towards $19K / month. 

Liz Pessaran worked with me, and three months later attracted 11 top paying clients and began to build a team to run her business for her!

Karey Spransy had this to say after working with me and implementing my tried and proven model …

“Working with Erica was the best money I've ever spent. In our first 6 months together I was able to develop a signature workshop on finding resilience & joy when life hits the fan, sign my first client, create a 12-week whole life transformation program called Evol-YOU-tion, and sign 7 participants to the first offering. She helped me get clear on my mission and how to launch & marketing my brand. She is full of ideas, experience, and compassion and if definitely the best coach I've ever worked with!”

If you’re tired of the 9-5 and you’re ready to break free …

I have good news!

You can take advantage of this proven process model at a fraction of the normal cost. 

See, I had a choice when writing this letter to you today...

I could give you all this valuable information, and I bet that it could be enough for you to make a difference in your business. 

After all, I dropped some serious golden nuggets here!

But I know the truth. 

I know that you probably still need help to start or scale your business and get it to 6-Figures fast!

So I decided to create a way for us to work together …

Where you can take every piece of knowledge, wisdom, and insight I’ve gathered over the last several years …

And apply it to your business so that you can rapidly get clients on demand!

Which is why I wanted to get this into your hands at a fraction of the normal price. 

That’s why you can get unlimited access to my signature program “The Soul Business Accelerator Online Course + Monthly Q&A Calls” at its lowest price ever!

The Soul Business Accelerator is a self-paced eight-module program - each module stacks on the last like a “building block.”

As you work through each module on your own, you’ll have another part of your business assembled and ready to make you more money!


Module 1: Creating a six figure mindset.

I'm going to show you exactly how to think about the world around you in a way that will make you more money. 

And this is so critical because what you think determines your actions.

And your actions determine your results. 

So I'm going to teach you in this module how to create a money mindset.

It’s a mindset that literally attracts wealth into your life.

You'll become a money magnet. 

And shortly after, you’ll start seeing new opportunities to profit appear before you. 

It’s like seeing for the very first time. 

It’s that powerful!

Here’s A Taste Of What You’ll Learn In Module 1:

  • The 3 main areas where you can start to create a Six-Figure mindset.
  • ​How to become a “money magnet” by reshaping the way you think (and act)
  • ​The top 20 affirmations that transform 9-5 employees into 6-Figure entrepreneurs that have record months
  • ​What you should NEVER do if you’re serious about breaking free from the 9-5 and building a 6-Figure business.

In this module, I'm going to show you my simple five-step process for releasing fear and limiting beliefs.

And I'm going to teach you how to become an unstoppable force in your business and life.

Module 2: Niche Breakthrough Secrets.

Finding the right niche is one of the top three factors that determine your success. 

Because if you get your niche wrong, it doesn't matter what you do next.

Your niche is the most important part of your business apart from the offer.

So I'm going to teach you exactly how to choose a lucrative niche that has the highest potential both for impact and revenue. 

You're going to learn how to make a massive difference in the lives of people by choosing who you want to work with. 

And how you are going to help them. 

And if you haven't no idea where to start right now, I want you to know that's 100% Okay.

I'm going to teach you how to think outside the box.

I’m going to teach you the secret strategy that I use to find literally hundreds of untapped niches. 

It's like looking around you and finding money. 

It's powerful because there are 1000s and 1000s of opportunities that most people just can't see.

And it's not their fault. 

They just don’t know how to find these opportunities.

If you’re as excited about this as I am, here’s a look into what Module 2 has for you:

  • The 6-Step niche breakthrough formula that leaves you with crystal clear clarity on who you serve, how you help them, and how to build a 6-Figure business from that.
  • ​The 3 “phases” of discovering your niche - and how to effortlessly move through them to get to a 6-Figure business fast.
  • What you MUST believe in order to find your 6-Figure niche (most people get this wrong and it holds them up for years)
  • ​How to find “your people and tribe” even if you never thought about it before (or struggle with deciding who to serve)

In short, I'm going to reveal all my secrets on how to find top-dollar niches in module two.

Module 3: Creating Your Irresistible Offer & Signature Program

You need to learn how to make an offer so good that people have a hard time saying no!

Here's the truth. 

If you get your offer right and you create a powerful program, you're going to sell more copies of your program with less work. 

In this module, I'm going to teach you how to not only create your program, but how to price it for the maximum number of sales.

Here’s a sneak peak into what you’ll learn …

  • Why people ACTUALLY buy coaching programs (and how you can engineer your program to pull “money triggers” in their brain)
  • ​How to build a $5K - $10K program that practically sells itself
  • How to turn your prospects' deepest fears and desires into a windfall of sales (while helping them overcome the obstacles in their lives!)
  • ​The sneaky way to radically transform into a 6-Figure business using my “signature program” framework

Module 4: Setting Your Business Up RIGHT - Website & Systems

And let me tell you, it shouldn't take you more than an hour (MAX) when you use my proven system. 

I'm going to show you exactly what to do, step by step.

I’ll even hand you my page templates to get your website done quicker.

These templates are “plug and play” simple. 

So if you've ever worried about what to say on a website …

Or how to use a website to attract new clients ...

I have excellent news.

I'm just going to hand you my proven winning converting client attracting page templates and then you can use them on your website. 

Beyond that, in Module 4 I’ll also teach you how to write a high-converting sales page that can passively attract leads. 

Here’s a sample of what you’ll find in module 4: 

  • The 11 core systems that run our entire business (and make us even more money while using less of our personal time)
  • The “plug and play” website templates that take 1 hour to setup (and attract leads passively!)
  • How to build a magnetic “optin” page that turns curious visitors into active leads
  • My BEST secret behind writing record breaking sales pages that turn skeptics into sales
And much more.

Now you have the “Infrastructure” of your business built.

And you might even attract a few leads on accident!

In the next module, we’ll learn how everything works together. 

Module 5: Building Your Six Figure Business Model

I'm going to teach you how to build a six figure business that continually grows and scales.

I'll hand you the exact same roadmap that got me to $25,000 months and beyond.

I'm going to show you step by step exactly how I did it - and what you need to do in order to replicate my results. 

I'm also going to teach you how to structure your business the right way so you can easily scale without overwhelm. 

I'll even tell you when you need to start hiring virtual assistants. 

A lot of people get this wrong and it costs them a lot of money. 

But that’s not all you’ll learn. 

Here’s what you can look forward to:

  • The “safe and scalable” business model that gets you to 6-Figures lightning fast
  • 3 types of income that will take you from 9-5 to record months in your business
  • The unique “leveraged revenue models” that make you more money and require less of your personal time
  • The big secret to finding your “Money Mountain”
  • ​How to find top-tier talent that will run parts of your business for you

In module five, you get the lay of the land.

And in the next module, we can begin building your marketing systems!

Module 6: Six-Figure Marketing THAT WORKS

I'm going to teach you how to build a powerful marketing gameplan from A to Z!

You’ll learn how to start generating high intent leads that are eager to hear from you and become a paying customer.

Then I’m going to show you my secret strategy to turn them into workshop attendees and sales appointments.

I’ll even hand you my secret to getting top-notch testimonials! 

Here’s a taste of what’s to come in Module 6:

  • The “Internal Vs External” strategy that pulls fresh leads in like clockwork
  • How to get on virtually any podcast and attract new fans to your community 
  • Why sending more than one email a week is dangerous (and what you should do instead for maximum results)
  • The hands down easiest way to get near-unlimited leads that turn into clients

And so much more. 

In short ...

This is the exact marketing roadmap to pulling in $25K / month or more!

And now that you’re consistently generating high-intent leads and getting them on calls with you (or your team)...

Module 7: Selling With Soul

And this is so important because you can make all the money in the world. 

But money is not as important as impact.

And in module seven, I'm going to teach you how to have an incredible impact in your business and in your life.

And sell more copies of your program than you would EVER believe is possible!

This is where I teach you how to actually do sales calls in a way that makes prospects believe that you’re the only solution to their problem. 

You’ll become like a lighthouse in the middle of stormy waters. 

Clients will see your bright light and move towards you and away from everything else. 

Here’s just a taste of what you’ll learn …

  • What to NEVER say on a sales call if you want to get new clients
  • The “Tried and proven” sales call outline that closes 30% - 40% of prospects
  • My “magic wand” approach to turning hesitant prospects into raving fans
  • The one line “Million dollar question” that’s guaranteed to get them squealing for joy (and handing over their credit card)
  • ​The #1 secret to mastering sales and unlocking unlimited earning potential in your business
  • ​How to never ever be “salesy” and still make 6-Figures

This ONE module alone can make you 6-Figures because if you learn how to sell, you’ll never run out of money.

Module 8: Creating Your Client Acquisition Workshop

I'm going to teach you how to set up highly profitable client acquisition workshops.

These workshops turn tons of leads into paying clients! 

Your sales calendar will be so full of hot prospects - and your bank account will fill up FAST once they all join your signature program.

In module 8 I cover everything you need to know about running your twice a month workshops. 

You’ll learn:

  • How to structure live workshops for maximum profits
  • The 7 workshop titles that attract hundreds of attendees
  • How to make your live workshops so easy to access that “non techies” say it’s a breeze to attend!
  • ​And how to pitch at the end so you turn attendees into sales appointments. 

Here’s my promise. 

At the end of module 8 ...

You're going to learn how to use your workshops and get more visibility and credibility. 

And once you complete this, you’ll have everything you need to get to 6-Figures lightning fast. 
When You Combine Marketing Strategies That WORK, With Your Soul-Aligned Purpose On Earth… You Become A FORCE To Be Reckoned With. 

The only thing that will be holding you back, is the effort that you put into applying what you discover inside the Soul-Business Accelerator.

Are you up for the challenge and to step into your purpose and potential?

I want you to meet Sara Sabin.

My 3 biggest achievements whilst working with Erica are: having my first £20k ($26K) month, which included getting my first client for a year long program; getting the ball rolling holding online workshops and increasing my visibility and credibility, so that people can know and find out about me! I then went on to create a $42K month, and a $250K year!

Sara Sabin- Transformational Career & Life Coach

And the fear of sinking back into a job just to make ends meet creeped into her mind. 

No …

She couldn’t go back. 

She wouldn’t go back!

This was “Do or die time” and the thought of surrender was
too horrible to consider. 

So she reached out to me. 

And I told her what so many women need to hear. 

And maybe you need to hear this too. So pay close attention!

I said “Sara … within you is a mighty warrior capable of anything.
But you need the right tools in order to face the titans in your life.

And so I gave her the greatest tool in my arsenal. 

It’s the same one I want to give to you today. 

It’s my powerful proven process. 

And once Sara put it to work …

Her business lit up like a Christmas tree. 

I’ll tell you more about this in a moment. 

But first, I need to tell you that if you do this right, the difference is night and day. 

It’s like “flipping a switch” and instantly seeing a difference. 

Now anytime Sara needs more cash, she just follows the proven framework I gave her. 

Here are her direct words. 


Lital’s 5-Week ROI Success Story!

Are you tired of the endless hustle of trying to get your business off the ground? You're not alone. Meet Lital – she was once in your shoes, struggling to make her business thrive while battling burnout.

Lital knew there was a better way, and there was NO WAY she was going back to slaving away in the prison that a 9-5 (more like 8-6) can feel like!
Within just 5 weeks of working with us inside of Soul Business Accelerator: Online Course + Monthly Q&A Calls, Lital signed 5 paid clients and recouped her investment faster than she ever thought possible!


Aurika V.- Women's Sensuality Coach
She had the same problem many women face. 

They don’t know how to structure their business to make more money with less work.

Her business felt like a hamster wheel.

The harder she worked, the more clients she added to her business. 

And don’t get me wrong - she made more money …

But she was spread too thin and couldn’t give her clients the attention they deserved. 
Worse, she couldn’t give herself the attention she deserved.

And the harder she worked, the worse she felt.

She was on the fast track to burnout and complete destruction of her business.  

Every day pulled her deeper and deeper into exhaustion. 

Her body had that familiar heaviness that tricks us into thinking life would be better if we just went back to bed instead of trying to build our dreams. 

One morning, the truth hit her hard

She collapsed in bed, physically unable to do the “job” she trapped herself in. 

“I can’t do this anymore. This isn’t sustainable. It’s worse than a job!”

Aurika knew there was a better way. 

I showed her the exact model I’m using to add 5 - 10 clients a week at scale…

While using less of my personal time!

Once she implemented the super simple, fast, and highly profitable proven process, she saw the change right away. 

At first it was a trickle of new sales here and there. 

But then her sales picked up massive steam. 

New clients were begging to sign up!

And she went from $5K / month to $10K a month. 

And then eventually $15K / month…

Then one magical day she woke up and calculated her sales for the month. 

She couldn’t believe it. 

She never made that much in her life!

For the very first time in her career, she made $19K in a single month. 

Better yet? 

She worked a fraction of the time and has true independence and freedom. 

She traded the permanent exhaustion and heaviness for days full of excitement, joy, and life to the fullest. 

All because she made a few smart tweaks to the way she runs her business.

Listen to Aurika's story below!
Listen to Aurika's story here!

Every step In The Soul Business Accelerator: ONLINE COURSE + MONTHLY Q&A cALLS gets you closer to building independence and freedom in your life

so you can leave your 9-5 for good!

And throughout all eight of these modules, you're going to get the exact framework my students use to grow their business to SIX-FIGURES or add SIX-FIGURES to your bottom line!

And it’s worked for hundreds of students before you. 

Just look at all the women who went through this program and built the 6-Figure business of their dreams.

And AURIKA’s not the only entrepreneur to have record breaking months

How Melissa M. created $28K in her new business!

Melissa had a goal - she wanted to retire her husband with her business. 

When she decided to get serious about her business, she enrolled in my program “The Soul Business Accelerator.

She told me she felt “stuck on the road without a roadmap.”

She needed a solid direction and business model to build on!

And over the course of a few months, we transformed her business into a mid 6-Figure powerhouse!

In one month she pulled in $28,000!

Can you imagine the rush of energy she got from that? 

What if you could have that same shot of power into your business?

And now I want to help you too.

Normally, if you wanted to work with me in the Soul Business Accelerator, you’d invest $10K.

But today, because you’re a valuable member of my community…

I’m making it the lowest price ever.  

And you can get immediate, full, unlimited access to the program’s content for life. 

Yup - that’s right. 

This is an incredible “once in a lifetime” opportunity because I’m inviting you to join my program self-paced program at an unheard of price!

Honestly I still can’t believe I’m offering my signature program at such a low price. 

But I’m on a mission to help as many women as possible, and I know it’s been a really hard year for so many people. 

So today only, you have a rare chance to get this life-changing program for only $2,000.

Now … because this is only $2,000 and not the full $10K we normally charge, we can’t offer the 1-1 calls we normally offer. 

Nor can we grant you access to our private community. 

But it still contains everything (all the knowledge, marketing tactics, mindset training, and so much more) you need to get to or add $10K / month in record time. 

PLUS we’re including a special bonus to help you accelerate your results (keep reading)!

And that’s why it’s such a good deal because it will help you assemble a 6-Figure business that lasts for life. 

So you can quickly begin hitting consistent $5,000+ months, then $10,000 months and beyond… 

Like so many of my students have. 

And if you’re ready to make a massive leap and upgrade your business (and life) …


You’ll be taken to a page where you’ll put in your information and finish the checkout.

Once that happens, you’ll have instant and complete access to the entire program. 

Click The Button Below To Signup Now!

 But Wait - There’s A Very Special Bonus For People Who Enroll During This Massive Sale
I know how powerful coaching can be. 

And I know that you want to get up and running as soon as possible. 

So if you make the jump and enroll today …

Then, I’m going to hook you up with monthly group coaching calls for the next 12 months
with my success coaches!

Their guidance will help you bring your wholeness to the forefront to make a big, bombastic impact in the world through your work.

They are so excited to support you in your journey in the Soul Business Accelerator!

When you enroll in the program today, you’re going to get monthly group calls with them. 

Mandy is a coach, spiritual mentor, and meditation and breathwork guide who helps soulful entrepreneurs.

She helps them discover their power to self-heal from unworthiness …


And imposter syndrome so that they can have a bigger impact!

And bring their fullest expression to their work. 

Her coaching guides people into deep connection with their values, souls, emotions, and intuition.

This helps them …

Heal long-standing wounds
Breakthrough mindset blocks
And become who they really are at their core …

So they can bring their wholeness to the forefront to make a big, bombastic impact in the world through their work. 

She is so excited to support you in your journey in the Soul Business Accelerator!

When you enroll in the program today, you’re going to get monthly group calls with her. 
But There’s A Small Problem I Need You To Be Aware Of...
Thousands of women like you are reading this letter and seeing this offer. 

But I can only accept 25 people into this program at this price-point. It’s priced to sell-out, and to sell out FAST.

I’m only allowing 25 people to buy this because I don’t want to overwhelm Mandy on monthly calls …

And I want to make it a more “exclusive” environment where you can get the support and guidance you need. 

Because there’s only 25 seats available, I highly recommend enrolling right away. 

Because if you delay too long or spend too much time thinking about this …

You might miss out on this opportunity entirely. 

And the next chance to get in will be at the normal full price.

Honestly, I don’t want that for you. 

I don’t want to see you delay your success for even one more minute. 

Because every minute you wait to enroll is another minute you’re losing precious time. 

There is a very serious danger here. 

If you leave this page without signing up for The Soul Business Accelerator, I can’t promise it will be available. 

Once these 25 seats sell, that’s it. 

This page will come down.

And your chance to join at this historically low price will instantly go away. 

So I’m urging you from the bottom of my heart …

Please take advantage of this now. 

Let us help you start and scale your coaching business TODAY.

Because the longer you wait, the longer you’ll go without reaching your inevitable success. 

So go ahead and press the button below to checkout and enroll right away. 

When you click the button below and scoop up this once-in-a-lifetime offer at its lowest price ever, you’ll get INSTANT access to the entire Soul Business Accelerator.

See you inside.

    To your success,
Soul Business Collective, LTD © 2025 - Photography by Fi Mims Photography
Important Disclaimer: Soul Business Collective LTD cannot and does not give any guarantees on results or earnings with our information, courses, programs, masterminds, coaching, plans, tools or strategies. You recognize and agree that nobody and no part of the Soul Business Collective brand has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations, or guarantees whatsoever to you about future earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of Soul Business Collective programs, courses, trainings, masterclasses or coaching and that we have not authorized any such implication, promise or representation by others. there are no guarantees of results or future earnings. There are no refunds. All sales are final.
We may reference our own sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of our previous or existing purchasers. Please understand that we are not guaranteeing your success, and that the results we reference are not typical or average. We are displaying these results for example purposes only. Individual earnings and results will vary, and depend on many factors, including your background, business experience, motivation and work ethic. There are no refunds. If you are purchasing Soul Business Accelerator Online Course + Monthly Q&A Calls and for any reason you decide to leave before the full amount is paid off, you will be responsible for paying the difference of the full price of each program that has taken place since you first registered. If payments are late, you will be removed from any current program until payments are back in good standing.